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Forbidden Fruit

I was in the bathroom the other day, minding my own business, when I found some porn. The tattered edges of the glossy magazine stuck out behind the toilet, placed there in case one needed to pass the time, or had the time for unperturbed perusing. It’s not your...

The Cull

Sometimes you start a project, knowing it might bleed into another, but you start it anyway. How bad can it really be? you think nervously. The question really is, how LONG have you been putting this project off? Take the answer, multiply it by heaps of sweat, dirt,...


Home. It’s a small word, but a loaded one. A few years back this word was presented in my writing group as a jumping off point: what writers call a “start.” We wrote for ten minutes and then read aloud, all nodding our heads in agreement at some descriptions, or...

Happy Camper?

Sorry for the delay, I was in the woods. Granted it was only for a few days, but it seemed like a long time. I want to like camping, I really do. I just can’t think of a time that I really want to willingly not sleep, get all grimy and rashy, eat bugs that have...