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The Latest Invention

I spend a lot of time thinking. Not always useful thoughts or earth-shattering ones, but I sometimes I daydream about the possible things I could invent that could help save the world-because who wouldn’t like to do that? But my recent daydream invention is more...

Justin, We are Not a Match

Image printed with permission. In fact, you should really just go buy one.( Sometimes, I have exceptionally vivid dreams. When the dreams are good, this is awesome. My first super-vivid dream?­­ A spy...

Promoting the Package

So…. I’ve been busy writing. That’s what I’m supposed to be doing if I want to get anywhere with it, right? But I’ve mostly ignored the art of self-promotion. These days it’s less like art, and more like Kung-Fu, rapid-attack, multi-level-platform promotion. I know...