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Built to Break

I’m obsolete!! Well, my webpage is, apparently. I’ve been told by my web-people (like the fairies of the internet- only technologically minded) that my page “theme” is about to get glitchy, as it’s old, out of date, etc…and really the shelf life of a web page is only...

Butt-kicking for Beginners

We’ve all had the feeling where we’ve wanted to inject ourselves into a movie, to be the character in it, to live like they do. The last time I had such a reaction was while watching Black Panther. The women in it were tall, beautiful, bald (I have often thought hair...

Knowledge from the Great Beyond

I have a folder where I store useful information for my kids. You know, for when I’m dead. This may sound morbid, but the harsh reality is that we all kick the bucket at some point. And I’m thinking that though I take care of myself fairly well, I can’t rule out the...

For the Dreamers

  I decided to buy another domain site. ( I couldn’t afford the .com site: someone takes pride in buying up every name possible and then charging a ton of money to give it to you. (If you have a great business name- I’d go and...