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Death By a Thousand Convenient Cuts

I’ve found myself in the pursuit of my writing dreams, spending most of my recent @#$%^& life looking for parking at the Westview Shopping Center. You know the one, with too small spaces for cars jammed too close together? In which everyone else is at because it...

Be Kind (Even to Weirdos)

I know this is super hard to believe, but when I was a kid, I was a pretty big weirdo. The second-to-last kid picked for gym sports teams, next to the one who crow-squawked at others while chasing them around the playground (this kid was menacing). I had that...

The Latest Invention

I spend a lot of time thinking. Not always useful thoughts or earth-shattering ones, but I sometimes I daydream about the possible things I could invent that could help save the world-because who wouldn’t like to do that? But my recent daydream invention is more...

Justin, We are Not a Match

Image printed with permission. In fact, you should really just go buy one.( Sometimes, I have exceptionally vivid dreams. When the dreams are good, this is awesome. My first super-vivid dream?­­ A spy...

Promoting the Package

So…. I’ve been busy writing. That’s what I’m supposed to be doing if I want to get anywhere with it, right? But I’ve mostly ignored the art of self-promotion. These days it’s less like art, and more like Kung-Fu, rapid-attack, multi-level-platform promotion. I know...