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50 Shades of What The?

I live in a bit of a cultural vacuum. This is my own doing, and my choice, although my motivations are not totally clear. I don’t always want to know every last thing that is happening, to see the latest movie and be all awash in the buzz of Hollywood. Sometimes...

Beware the Silent Projectile

All was quiet, right before a large projectile hit the back of my head. It was a glorious spring day, and my daughter and I were taking a stroll on Grandville Island. “AuuuuoooooooWTHEE!” I yelled, a mixture of ow and whathe? Someone had thrown a rock at me! Only it...


I’ve had worse nightmares, for sure. But this story will resonate with anyone who doesn’t like bugs. Which is basically everyone. Click here! battle with the bugs    


Schadenfreude  (German: ) is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. Leave it to the Germans to come up with such an exacting word, one I should have known in my teenage years. As much as I tried to convey the opposite, back then, I did actually care what...

Goody Bags Suck

I don’t know where it began, but I can surmise it happened with one neurotic mother. “Oh no!” She thought. “The other children at little Billy’s birthday party will be sad that they too, did not get a present!” So she went out to the local dollar store, filled a bag...