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Spiders, Spiders Everywhere!

I’m not one of those people who hates spiders. I actually think they are quite useful and industrious creatures, and they spin beautiful webs. That being said, all bets are off if one is ON ME. Then, we have a little chat. Something along the lines of “Omigod! Get off...

Bake yourself, on purpose!

It started almost 15 years ago, when a friend dragged me upstairs thorough a strip mall-like building. He led me to a room filled with sweaty bodies, where it was over 100 F. I laid my mat down on the carpet and thought, eww, this carpet is gross, and why does it have...

Bounty, What Planet Do You Live On?

Lets do a little exercise. First, watch this video. bounty-again-again-again Does anyone else see a problem here? My husband just laughed. It was a rare moment where we actually watched the commercials, and it made me remember why I don’t watch commercials...

Glass half “Get Outta My Yard!”

We’d ventured outside on a hot day with a mission: to investigate the creek behind our house and find what treasures it held. By treasures, I mean crayfish, minnows, bugs. The kids were beyond excited, as we were going to forage into the unknown, armed only with a...

Cars for the Uncool

I am “agitating” for a new car. At least that’s what my husband says, and I think that is the perfect word for it, as in, an itch that is irritating and omnipresent and bothersome. Do I need a new car? That depends. If I am to get any trade in value...