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When the Sh*t Goes Down

Ok, first off, do you have a song on repeat in your head right now? Which is super unfortunate because you can’t seem to escape your own mind while trapped in your house? Maybe the Doors, The End (good choice) or something else apt for the times? Yeah. Me too. And...

Trust Exercise-A Leap of Faith

“We were young and impressionable. Our adolescence does shape us for life, whether we know it or not. There’s something so uniquely complicated, fungible and ambiguous about the selves that we are when we are young.” – Susan Choi, on Trust...

Death By a Thousand Convenient Cuts

I’ve found myself in the pursuit of my writing dreams, spending most of my recent @#$%^& life looking for parking at the Westview Shopping Center. You know the one, with too small spaces for cars jammed too close together? In which everyone else is at because it...

Be Kind (Even to Weirdos)

I know this is super hard to believe, but when I was a kid, I was a pretty big weirdo. The second-to-last kid picked for gym sports teams, next to the one who crow-squawked at others while chasing them around the playground (this kid was menacing). I had that...