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Beware the Silent Projectile

All was quiet, right before a large projectile hit the back of my head. It was a glorious spring day, and my daughter and I were taking a stroll on Grandville Island. “AuuuuoooooooWTHEE!” I yelled, a mixture of ow and whathe? Someone had thrown a rock at me! Only it...

He Who Shall Not be Named

  “I really need to get Tom Cruise out of my life,” I recently complained to a friend. “He turns up in just about every conversation! I need to do a Tom Cruise cleanse, like a colonic irrigation. A flush. Completely get rid of him.” But… how?? I could tell people...

Feeling Tipsy?

Quite recently I was in a liquor store (okay, I am there a lot) and I noticed a tip jar next to the counter. “Feeling Tipsy?” it asked me, a few coins gleaming from within. Huh? I need to tip someone, just for buying my beer? I pointed to the jar and asked the man,...

In Yer Face!!

I am humming along in my car, slightly annoyed at having spent too much time at the hardware store, when an Enormous truck cuts me off. Not a normal sized truck, a Ford Gigantor or Ram Behemoth. Not only does he barely miss my bumper in his need to race out front, he...