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Yeay! A New Experience!

I was hoping for a routine visit, a “there’s nothing really wrong with your filling” type of visit.  I was also hoping this wouldn’t take long because I had the remains of a head cold. As anyone can tell you, jamming large implements into your mouth while sucking...

Wake: A Definition

  My son and I discuss the double meanings of words all the time. The word that came up this day was wake: leaving someone in your wake, the wake of a wave, a wake relating to death.  “A wake is sort of like a party for the dead person,” I said.  He looked at me,...

Let’s Dance!

“Absolutely not”, he said, shooting me down. I found myself pleading. “But I REALLY want to go,” I said, with that whiney intonation reserved for irritating/ desperate people, one I’m sure I employed as a teenager. My husband gave me the stern look.“ You will be twice...

Yellow means…Stop.

It was just a gentle “toot toot,” and nothing more, but it almost got us killed. In Vancouver, in order to make a left turn you must foist yourself on the mercy of oncoming traffic; you let the light turn yellow, and sheepishly scurry to the other side while cursing...

Ode to Sky Mall

Oh, glorious Sky Mall Magazine! Sweet abandoner of airplane boredom. Take me into thine fold of trashy junk I cannot live without. Thank you for always being there, Sky Mall. Just when I thought I would die of asphyxiation, my knees jammed against the seat in front of...

A Pervasive Fog

“…Then you mix three parts of copper in, no wait, actually two parts copper, one part silver…..” our instructor shook her head a little as she tried to retrieve the information. This particular instructor was teaching us metalsmithing; she was something of a local...